The world's largest rainforest is in the Amazon River Basin of South America. It is great seeing how they differ in each biome.

I would also like to have fish exhibits (aquariums.) I am very pleased with all the different deer species I see in the game. I am waiting for Frontier to bring Red Foxes into the game. The Red Foxes live all around and I see their tails swishing by all the time. I live in an extremely rural (temperate forest) area and I feed the wild Whitetail deer in the cold months, and the birds year-round. The biggest hazard the animals face here is traffic in the suburbs and cities. People bring their outdoor pets in on hot or cold nights. Often our Winter nights are snowy and the wet leaves plaster everything in the Fall (like at this very moment.) The animals are very comfortable here and have no idea how to survive harsh weather, I am sure. We get warm Summer days, and plenty of Spring flowers. Much of North and Central America is Temperate. Mother/ Daughter Swimming Lessons: "Come on in, the waters fine!" Africa's rainforests are predominantly in the Congo River Basin in western Africa.īlack & White Ruffed Lemur * New Anniversary Free Content That provides an idea of the diversity of life that breeds in the tropics.

Try comparing the Reticulated Giraffe to the Greater Flamingo. This is reflected in the vast diversity of wildlife found there, and in the game. They are called Rainforests because trees and many other plants are plentiful in the heavy rainfall these areas receive yearly. Tropical regions center mostly around the tropic equatorial regions of the Earth. Southern White Rhinoceros *Africa Upgrade DLCĪlbino Giraffes are an exotic addition. Grassland animals are those found in the Savannahs of central Africa and the Veldts of South Africa. it's a great way to go when you're new to the game, before you have much research, and when you need the practice with the terraforming tools.

In this shot I built adobe barriers to contain my Gemsboks and Springboks in my 2nd Franchise Zoo, simply to save effort and money from keeping the walls repaired to concentrate on selective breeding and my first ride. Springboks, and Gemsboks also make good starter Franchise animals. Ostriches are extremely easy to raise in game.